I talk about my experiences in life as a YouTuber, a Cancer Patient, and many other things that affect my life. In 2019 I'm setting a goal to post at least once a week. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask, I'll attempt to answer as many as possible.
February 28, 2016
I stint can't sleep!!!
Think that's bad? Let me introduce you to an old friend, "The Heave Monster" You remember that nasty cus don't you? That feeling you get just before the contents of your guts come out of your mouth with Exorcist intentions. Yeah! That bugger. Well let him hang out with a stint for a while. WOW! What a difference that makes. You have no control over your stomach reflexes or the throat for that matter. If it wants out it's gonna try, and fail miserably. It's funny how this works. You feel like you are about to blow chunks (I'm not talking about the clown either you sick bastards), then...NOTHING!!! There you are positioned over the porcelain altar and everything is good to flow. Nope, you feel that rise come up and then what feels like pressure build up and just when you think it's time to explode, it all settles down and just burns the throat and your chest starts to hurt real bad. You pound on your chest, you jump up and down, you jerk around like a madman, and repeat steps one and two, then you cuss the damn dog for getting under your feet, and you stare at the innocent lady sleeping on the couch with a look that would probably scare the shit out of her if she woke up at that moment. Then it all settles down and you feel like passing out, but wait there's more! Just when you are about to fade to black; the hiccups start and the process starts all over again.
That my friends is how it has been all night. I think I will just sit on the couch and read a Predator book that I picked up and see what happens. Either I will get pretty far in the book and not remember a damn word of it, or I will remember, or I will fall asleep and deal with the burning throat when I wake up. Last night I fell asleep on the couch all propped up and suffered when I woke up. My wife said I looked peaceful and stuff when she got up and went to work. Maybe that will work again.
This stint thing does have it's benefits though. I'm not sure what the hell they are yet, but the doctors told me it's the last ditch effort before a feeding tube gets installed. I haven't eaten anything all day. I've drank Ensure and other supplemental drinks just to get the protein and vitamins that I need. So I know that I am not just withering away with hunger pains. Hell No! I looked at myself in the mirror the other night in the hotel room, boy don't do that with a full body mirror (unless you're a hot ass model) and expect to see anything good. I saw a skinny ass person standing in front of me with what looked like skin sucked tight over some bones. I wonder if they need a toothless zombie on "The Walking Dead" show? It wouldn't take much to kill it, just let it gum a body and starve. I guess that wouldn't be active enough for a show. It would be funny as hell to watch for a minute though.
Damn here we go again, I'll be back! Thank the maker for Lysol Click Gels (the toilet bowl cleaner)! Those little bastards help keep the nasty aroma of the shitter down to a minimum, when you have your face bobbing in and out of the area! All that heaving and no blood. A damn good thing if you ask me. It hurt just as bad as slamming your pinky finger in the car door, or getting your genitalia caught in a zipper. A sharp quick pain that fades away in a little while and leaves one with a hell of a reminder. Fold, tuck, shimmy, pull, or whatever you feel like doing just so you don't do that again. Except that I don't know what the hell I'm doing to make this happen.
I know my wife is sleeping good, I wish I could sleep like that. She fell asleep on the couch and then went to bed and I swear that she damn near didn't miss a beat in the snoring category. Funny thing about my wife and her snoring. If she reads this she will probably kick my ass, but it is funny. One night she fell asleep with a tommy problem. I swear to you that this actually happened. I shit you not! She would snore loudly while inhaling and then when she exhaled, she would give out a little toot and say "cuse me" in a little voice and she repeated that for over an hour with each breathe. You gotta love a woman that could accomplish making you laugh while she sleeps. There is a sort of simplicity to life when you experience those moments. "Snore, fart, cuse me" Oh my, just thinking about that moment helped with the pain, or maybe it's the morphine. I know that my wife is struggling with this stuff as well. She sometimes has to go into another room when she sees me having trouble like what I described earlier. There is nothing she can do to help or to ease the pain, and she knows it. It bugs the hell out of her. I know that it would piss me off, if I were in that situation. At least at the moment she is not having to deal with it. I watch her sometimes when she sleeps. She looks so peaceful and content with the world. I have no idea how she is dealing with all of this and not blowing up. I'm not gonna say I'm expecting her to blow up, she has dealt with a lot of shit in her life, and I believe she has the mindframe to pull through this as well. Don't get me wrong here. I know that she is venting to someone when I can't hear her. I would do the same if I were in her shoes. A person has to vent. Whatever she is doing, I hope she is able to continue to do it throughout this treatment.
I guess that will do it for the night. I just had another spell in the throne room and this time I feel really tired. So I'm going to try and get some sort of rest. Have a good weekend folks and hopefully I get to see some of you soon.
February 26, 2016
It's Stint Time
Well I had a stint installed yesterday at the University of Utah. They placed it over the tumor (which has grown 3cm and is now 9cm long) and into my stomach. So hopefully in a few days I will be able to eat again. We have been in Salt Lake City most of the week. We arrived on Monday and will be leaving for home Friday morning. What a week it has been. The other night I walked into a Wal-Mart and was denied entry. I had on my Chemo bag and was told that I had to take it off or leave the store. I did talk to the assistant manager the next morning. She apologized for the employee's actions and told me that I was allowed in. I plan on writing a formal complaint to HQ when I get home. Some people just don't have the ability to show customers any curtacy when it comes to medical care. The lady that night was rude and like my wife said, she profiled me as a thief. To think that she greets all medical patients with a bag connected to them this way is appalling. I went to a different store, and it just got robbed as I was walking in. The guy at the door asked me to place my bag in a locker. When I told him what it was he apologized and said to come on in. He politely handled the situation even after watching a man run from the store with a hand cart full of stuff.
Wal-Mart's Facebook page for that particular store apologized to me online and told me to come to the store and talk with the management. Which I have done. They apologized and told me that the associate will be told to let people with a bag hooked up to them is allowed in the store. I intend on writing HQ about it. Some people need more practical advice on customer service before they are dealing with them without supervision. Some people need to be recognized for their customer relations as well. I have most of the information that I need to write HQ a letter.
I woke up this morning with a case of severe heartburn. Hoochie momma! I sucked on some antacids and got the burn to chill a bit. So for the next few days I will have to be careful on what I eat. I should be able to eat normally by Monday. That will be just #buttmunchiecrunchy
We watched a couple movies while here. The Witch wasn't as good as the trailer made it out to be (2.5/7). Gods of Egypt was ok (5/7). The best time on this trip was spent with my wife on Wednesday. We went to the Clark Planetarium and the Leonardo Museum. We have memberships to them and the zoo thanks to some friends. So we try to check them out while we have some down time.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a good weekend.
February 17, 2016
Sickness and Ideas
OK here's a typical day. You don't really want to laugh too hard, or have a sneeze fit, or the hiccups. When those things arrive, you better be close to a shitter or have on depends. The slightest jolt could send another sensation to your drawers or possibly through them. Have you ever been so sick or disoriented that you don't know if your gonna puke, shit, piss, sneeze, or blow chunks everywhere while sitting on the throne? Well I have. It's not a fun scenario but at least I found some humor in it while lying on the bathroom floor. A new invention idea popped into my head recently. Add a garbage disposal to a tub. That way when you feel like what I described above, you can lay in the tub and just the good times flow.
Another thing one should do is have someone else to talk to about ideas. When your brain is on so many different drugs and stuff, your ideas may seems cool at the moment, but they really do suck. Imagine a world if you will, where all vehicles had shitters in them. What a smelly road we would travel on. I thought of this while on the road and not really knowing where we were.
Hopefully you guys had a good laugh.
February 15, 2016
An old song redone...
February 11, 2016
Motivation is key.
So today I feel like crap. I feel like I have the flu. I don't have a temperature or anything, so that is good. I don't need to see a doctor today....knock on wood. I hope this passes soon. I have some stuff that I would (no need) to get done. I don't think I need help today. If I do I will call people. So since I got my jams working in the house (finally!), I might be able to get motivated in the right direction. Music has helped me in the past.
So what do you guys do to get motivated?
I'm also going to shave! Damn this mug is getting pretty hairy and itchy! I kissed my wife and my whiskers poked her...LOL. The grey is kinda cool, but the patchy stuff is wrong. IS that the chemo? Who knows. I'm losing the hair on my noodle. I think that has more to do with age then chemo. Oh yeah...Papa Roach!
Alright I'm out of here. If I hear from the doc, I'll let you all know.
February 9, 2016
A mixed up round.
I hate not knowing how the tests went. The waiting sucks major ass. I know that I will get some news in the next few days. Is it good or bad or do things look the same? I thought about what it could mean if the pain is getting worse and eating is getting harder, but what do I do or say when the Dr. says the scans look good? I've told him my concerns and he said he would look into it. So at least I won't be in the dark too long.
The money is starting to get low now. I no longer have medical insurance through BCBS. All I have to rely on right now is IHS. Which is helping. We have to get an OK from them to do anything right now, and I'm sure that one day soon they will say no. They've said it before. I have filed for disability (not sure if I qualify). I will be talking to them again in the near future. I also have an appointment with my financial counselor through Huntsman tomorrow. Hopefully things work out.
This round has left me doing a lot of questioning. Maybe it's the chemo brain effect, maybe not. WHat I do know is that my body is telling me it hurts. It sucks to know that I won't be able to do much tomorrow, especially without any pain medication, which I do have. I have to rely on the stuff just to get dressed and out of bed. This isn't like dealing with the pain from an injured spine. I wish that was all I had to deal with, at least I was able to work with that. Not this shit. Cancer has changed my life in many ways that I thought it could never do. I have to depend on others to do things like drive me places, help with household chores, and even remind me to do stuff. I feel like a worthless prick on the days that I just lay on the couch or in bed and do nothing. Those days are increasing as well. When will that end? I know, when I get passed the cancer bullshit.
On the brighter side of things, I have a good team looking after me, and we are all communicating on the next steps (even though we have to wait for results) to take next time. So I know that things will workout. I pray a lot for my family and friends. I seldom pray for myself, it just kinda feels wrong to do. I've asked God to do a lot for me in the past. So I kinda keep it on the down low, since cancer is more important than making it to a fucking movie or living till a cd comes out. That's the kinda shit I use to ask for. So yeah, it feels too selfish to ask for a cure to cancer at this point. Right now the feelings of my family are more important. So I try to make them laugh, since I already made them cry. I'm not putting up a front with them, I'm being honest with them. I just hate to see them cry or suffer. A quality I wish more people in my life had. I know some people that put themselves before anybody else. I wish they could see how that is hurting the ones that love them deeply. It won't until they walk across a bridge that they will never get to cross again. By that time it might be too late to fix any problems. I know a bunch of selfish fuckers too. Everything they have or do is better then anyone else and there is nothing that anyone can do better then they can. Well I've got a challenge for them, get cancer fucker and see how you do! Not that I wish this shit on anyone! But hey, fuck it, if I can do this and I'm an average guy; then an almighty bastard should cruise through this with no issues.
Sorry for the language tonight. I'm just a tad bit pissy and yes I have chemo pumping through me right now. Is that an excuse? OK, maybe not. I get it. Maybe I'm just tired. Now don't get rude with me on the subject. That's kinda the point of this blog right? To tell it like it is. I'm just trying to share my thoughts and feelings here. I will say this though; I've heard from people recently, that I haven't heard from in a long time. I didn't mean that in a bad way. No! I mean that in a good way. We all have our own lifes to live. Our paths have gone different ways. So since I started this blog, I have been in contact with people that I normally wouldn't have. It's kinda nice.
OK my blog is messing up tonight, something about saving to the server. SO I'm going to end for the night and publish this and see how it goes. SO if you can't read the last part, then you'll just have to wait until I fix it. OK here goes......LAST PART!!!!! LOL.
February 6, 2016
What a day!
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Me recently |
As you can see there is a new look to this blog. It is just one of the few things that I have been doing, since I can't sleep. Today has been a very rough day. It started out OK, but before lunch it got bad. I don't know why but it did. Well I guess this post will cover two days, since it is now almost 3am.Since yesterday my gut has been hurting, like really fucking bad! Sorry for the cussing but sometimes when I write I get into the flow and I really don't feel like editing out the foul language. If it offends you...well then all I can say is I'm sorry, but you might want to get use to it, or simply stop following this blog. As you might be able to tell, I'm not in the cheeriest mood right now. Maybe some of you can relate or maybe you understand. At any point, right now I just need to spill the beans as they fall. I will try to keep the cussing down to a minimum but like I said before, if the flow is running then my foul mouth will not be censored. So with that said let's move on the reason for writing tonight. Well maybe just one other disclaimer before we begin, right now it is early (like I said before its 3am) so if something doesn't make any sense just bear with me. I'm tired and my brain seems to be wondering...
So when the pain started this morning (yesterday), I got on the couch and laid there for what seemed to be hours. It was really only twenty minutes. As I was laying there all I could think about was how this pain was messing up my plans for the day. What I had intended to do wouldn't come to light at all. A first for me since I've been home. Some days the pain got bad, but it went away or at least died down. It started after trying to eat. Man my chest felt like an alien was burst out of it. I wondered if Ripley could give me some advice on the matter, so I got up and tried to find one of the "Alien" movies. No such luck, at least for several hours. I realized that Steven had taken those movies to his room to watch. He loves those movies. I didn't feel like sitting in his room going through his shelves just to find a movie. So I did the next best thing and put on Netflix. I started to watch a show about outdoor adventures. That seemed to help. It took my mind off of laying on the couch in pain. Although the pain was still there and it hurt like hell to move, I was able to enjoy watching the two hosts walk around the wilderness. It got me thinking about the hiking trip I took last year. I went camping with Steve and John at Atlantic Lake. We had a good time fishing and hiking.
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Windy Lake; above Lander, Wyoming |
***Now a message from our Sponsor*** COFFEE BREAK!!! What a Fuck-Tard! I just tried to stir my coffee, sugar, and creamer before adding the coffee!!!
This trip found me in better spirits, because I had the surgery done the November before. I'm not sure exactly when we went on our trip (August or September 2015). I think it was close to hunting season though. So I was in better shape then the trip before. We each had our own tents and our own water pumps and Jet Boils and we shared some food. Of Course we did dine on the fish we had caught in Atlantic Lake. Here is a kind of panoramic shot of Windy Lake.
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South Windy Lake |
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North Windy Lake |
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Middle Windy Lake |
So back to my day. I know, bummer right? The day found me in a lot of pain and on the couch. There was very little I could do. I didn't even want to play a video game. Shocker there! I mean it took everything I had just to run a TV remote with one hand. The other hand was on a pillow holding it next to my guts. It helps somewhat but not enough to say it went away. Of course I took my medications. That just added to the feeling like shit part of it. The meds do make the pain tolerable for the most part, yet again, this time it's getting worse. It is to be expected, or so my doctors say. That's why they put me on pain meds. "You have to try to live life comfortably Kurth, and try not to tough it out." My Doctors tell me almost every time I see them. I don't like being high! What! Did Kurth Warren just say that! No, not that former POT-HEAD! Yes indeed you mother.....OK I'll censor that. I stopped smoking pot years ago. I had the desire to hold a job over getting stoned. Now I don't even want to smoke weed. Not even if the Doctors tell me it's OK. Which they have by the way). Well not smoke it but rather a pill. So there I was on the couch and my outdoor adventure show was over. My dog Bodhi had climbed up on the couch with me and I had lost the remote, so I
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Bodhi on his favorite spot on the couch. |